Are Sound Health Sugar Free Cough Drops Keto Friendly?

In this quick keto product review, we’re going to give Sound Health sugar free cough drops keto friendly ratings and add our keto diet expert recommendation.

Sound Health Sugar Free Cough Drops Keto Friendly.jpg

Our 5-star keto friendly product ratings are an estimate of a product’s impact on ketosis by reducing ratings for net carbohydrates above 5% of total calories, and hidden carbohydrate ingredients based on their glycemic index plus estimated quantity.

For information on the factors weighed to rate products, see Keto Safe Product Standards.

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Sound Health Sugar Free Cough Drops Keto Friendly Ratings

Sound Health Sugar Free Cough Drops:

  • Menthol: 1 Star ★☆☆☆☆


Sound Health Sugar Free Cough Drops Keto Friendly Recommendation

Halls keto friendly sugar free cough drops

Halls keto friendly sugar free cough drops


Sound Health sugar free cough drops are not keto compatible, and we do not recommend them.

Our pick for the most keto friendly cough drops are Halls sugar free cough drops.

Check out our Sick Day product guide with our top picks for keto friendly medicine, electrolyte drinks, broths, soups and more!

Or check out the Keto Shop for more expert selected keto friendly products!